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A Full Circle Moment for Project Manager Felicia Herrera

A Full Circle Moment for Project Manager Felicia Herrera

Felicia Herrera's career trajectory at Soltek exemplifies personal and professional development, guided by family ties and a dedication. Starting as a field secretary at the construction of the Rowan Elementary School's library, she was mentored by her aunt,Sonya Mancilla, who was embarking on her first project as a project manager.

Through the years, Felicia has undertaken various roles within the company, each offering new challenges and learning opportunities. From administrative assistant to project engineer,  Certified Quality Control (CQC) and assistant project manager, Felicia steadily accumulated experience and expertise.

Now, in a funny twist of fate and a full circle moment, Felicia’s first project as a Project Manager brings her back to Rowan, the very place where her Soltek career began.

"When I got the call about the project I thought -  that can not be the same Rowan, you're kidding!” Felicia shares. "It feels like it was meant to be, bringing me back to where I started”

As Felicia oversees the new developments at Rowan, she sets the stage for future generations at Soltek. Her journey, marked by dedication, highlights how every role and challenge has prepared her for this moment—her homecoming to Rowan, excelling in her role as a Project manager for the very first time.

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